Pork Pie Big Boy Throne Reviews 5

AJ's Pro Percussion -- Tampa, FL $129.99

Wide, cushy, colorful, functional, pain-free playing.

It doesn't have "vibro-massage" like my Lazy-Boy chair does.

Extremely beefy base, well engineered "piano style" spin screw heighth adjustment. Quality stiching. MADE IN USA!

Plain and simple... My butt don't hurt. I'm a "wide rider" and have been looking for a throne which wasn't painful to sit on for extended periods. I looked at and tried the big cushy thrones from Tama, Gibraltar (Rock-N-Soc) and Pearl... The Pork Pie wins hands down. It's wider and has more cushion than anything else out there. It comes in some of the wildest color combinations--and black. Mine has vinyl silver sparkle sides and a cloth black and white "zebra skin" seat surface. The base is extremely beefy. It uses a piano bench style "spin screw" to raise-lower the seat. Once you have your height dialed in, you can lock down the screw. It has three widely spaced legs. If you're a big guy--or gal, and you want a truly comfortable throne, then the Pork Pie Big Boy is an excellent investment for your ass.

ratzofratzo rated this unit 5 on 2002-10-14.

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